Tuesday, November 04, 2008

another birthday celebration :)

On a belated note, Xinyu, Szerui and Jiajin celebrated a combined birthday for Hazwani, Maziah and myself last Sunday...

Had western food at Suntec. :)

Where they made us pay 50 cents for water. Poo!

After lunch, Jiajin took us to the open area opposite the arcade with a nice fountain view.

It wasn't long before Xinyu and Szerui turned up with our "cake".

Despite walking soooo slowly and protecting the flame, it still blew out aft reaching us. :P

Us looking v pleased with our "ice-cream cake"! Lol!!

Ben and Jerry somemore.. My favourite. Ok fine, I specially requested for them. Hee! :)

If you wondered how we devored the "cake", the well-prepared organisers were armed with metal spoons (the ice-cream was hard) and plastic cups frm carrefour. ^^

Speaking of metal spoon, my spoon is still in the bag I carry to sch everyday. Oopsy daisy!

Haz got so excited, she pranced around eating and taking photos WITHOUT HER SHOES!! Hmmm, her mama probably took over as Suntec's CEO earlier in the day and her daughter hv promptly settled into her new "home" rather well. :P :P :P


ACT CHIO!!! Wahahaha! :X

Sitting cross-legged on the floor in the middle of a busy shopping centre on a Sunday afternoon feels surreal. :)

Then came present time. :) Its shopping, shopping and more shopping!!!

A BIG THANK YOU PRETTIES!!!! *muacks muacks*

Ahh! Blur!

Still shaky leh...

FINALLY! But we are missing the tall ones. Haz lousy lah! Teehee~

Haz and Maz being domesticated and washing our dirty utensils. Haha.

Very happy, we proceeded to play games at the arcade... And I was in the mood for some serious spanking. Hohoho! :P

Really cute game where you pair up and take turns to drive whenever the other crashes... Pretty awesome to watch the whole car literally tilt around like a stimulator ride! It better be fun as it costs a freaking 6 tokens ($3) EACH!

My dear friends,
only you can make me smile when I cry
only you can make me laugh when I sulk
only you can make me feel young when I am 20.

I love you all much much..
And for everything we hv been through,
exams, hurdles and failed relationships,
you guys spell my happy-ever-after.

For the times you nv judged,
for the times you held my hand through dark moments,
for the times you cried bcoz I did,
every little thing is appreciated and,
somehow I will make us last.

For forever and one day
because, forever is just not enough.


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